
Would like to welcome you all to my little page where I will put up my favourite recipes and review them. If you want any help with anything or ideas feel free to ask

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Simple Chocolate Frosting

I have made this frosting many times and it works really well and never fails!!

One thing I would say how ever is if you want to pipe your cupcake frosting you need to chill this in the fridge for at least 30 mins. How ever if your going to the old fashioned away of using a palette knife chilling is not really nessasery but still makes it a bit easier to work with!

The recipe I'm going to give you for this frosting will easily frost 12 regular cupcakes or 6 large cupcakes (basically muffin case size ones) you can use this to frost a 20cm cake but you will need to double the amounts.

Right ingredients you will need:-

300g Icing sugar (make sure you sift it!)
100g unsalted butter, at room temp
40ml whole milk (full fat)
40g cocoa powder, sifted

Now the fun part putting it all together!!

First of all we need to beat the icing sugar, butter and cocoa powder together i use a freestanding electric mixer with a paddle attachment (or by hand if your feeling strong) on a medium-slow speed until the mixture comes together and is well mixed.

Turn the mixer down to a slow speed now in a separate bowl combine the milk.

Then add this to the butter and sugar mixture slowly (spoonful at a time) once all the milk is incorporated (use a rubber spatular to scrap around the bowl) now  you want to turn the mixer up to a high speed continuing to beat until your frosting is lovely and light and fluffy you ideal want to do this for about 5 minutes or so but the longer the better just means it get even lighter and fluffier. ( but if your piping there is no point in this as chilling it will on set harder again) but if your going to ice with a palette knife go for a light and fluffy as you can get!!

That's your frosting done now you can ice your cupcakes!!

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